
What does Lorem Ipsum mean?

What does Lorem Ipsum mean?

A quick and simplified answer is that Lorem Ipsum refers to text that the DTP (Desktop Publishing) industry use as replacement text when the real text is not available. For example, when designing a brochure or book, a designer will insert Lorem ipsum text if the real...

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What are Toxic Back Links?

What are Toxic Back Links?

Toxic backlinks are links from sites that can weaken your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimisation of the ability for Google to show your site above other sites from your industry). Weaker SEO means fewer organic visitors. Fewer organic visitors can mean fewer leads...

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What is SEO?

What is SEO?

A Search Engine is a website that allows you to search for things on the internet.  The most common search engines are Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.  The better your website's Search Engine Optimisation is, the more likely...

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What is Mobile Advertising

What is Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is type of advertising that appears on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets that have wireless connections. As a subset of mobile marketing, mobile advertising can take place as text ads via SMS, or banner advertisements that appear...

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How to colour your website

How to colour your website

Your web pages should ideally be a pleasing combination of text and images. It really doesn’t take much in the way of gaudy colour combinations or overly flashy animation to turn visitors away. Colour selection is a critical issue while developing your web site. Try...

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