How to write a great headline

Great content or design is important, but the winning part of writing an article is the headline. Unless you practice regularly, creating a headline can be tedious and draining.  If you don’t get it right, no-one will read your blog or eBook.  It is important to...
What is Mobile Advertising

What is Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is type of advertising that appears on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets that have wireless connections. As a subset of mobile marketing, mobile advertising can take place as text ads via SMS, or banner advertisements that appear...
How to colour your website

How to colour your website

Your web pages should ideally be a pleasing combination of text and images. It really doesn’t take much in the way of gaudy colour combinations or overly flashy animation to turn visitors away. Colour selection is a critical issue while developing your web site. Try...

We are all about Inspirational Student Outcomes

17 year old Student X ( we have withheld his name for privacy purposes) had a very poor attendance record, when he did attend school he rarely participated in classes. He was deemed by past testing to have a reading age of 6. On a rare day, when he was in attendance...